Kanji for Muryoko

'Infinite Light'

Journal of Shin Buddhism

Harold Stewart

The Transformed Pure Land

The Transformed Pure Land is really an upaya (Japanese: hoben), or skilful stratagem devised by the Buddha in order to lead his devotees to the True Pure Land, which is formless and ineffable Nirvana. Such a figurative Vision is needed to guide them, by means of its coloured image-bearing Light, to the pure white Consciousness of Buddhahood. Since Amida is Infinite Light, his radiant influence is able to clarify and concentrate the intellectual intuition (prajna) and to deepen its spiritual insight into the true meaning of the Void. And since Amida is Eternal Life, the effect of his transferred merits is to sharpen and brighten the senses and feelings, to enrich the emotions and imagination, heightening every quality of living as a realized aspect of Suchness.

Reflections on the Dharma - Harold Stewart

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