How does the nembutsu practiser cope with suffering in his or her daily life? What guidelines exist?
Is prayer a valid or recognized means for obtaining relief from suffering? Is there any teaching about this? Is there any point in "asking for help" or lighting candles?
Is it bad practice (kami) to use the word "God" when patiently explaining the principles of Shin Buddhism to outsiders? (For example, the phrase “God as we understand Him” as commonly used in twelve step programmes to cover any thing or person in which we believe). Rennyo strongly advises us not to get into discussions about our faith. I start to feel guilty about my interest in astrology and my veneration of Kuan Yin.
I know that Amida cordially invites me to participate in the joys of his Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss; but is it fond imagination on my part to suppose that he, in turn, can actively participate in my life "down here"?
Following the previous question: I hear of certain Shin followers who "talk with Amida" as though he were an intimate spiritual friend. Are these people batty, or have they got something going for them that the rest of us are missing out on? Some hard-line Buddhists like Shitoku Peel of Antwerp see Him as nothing more real than the Name – Namo Amida Butsu. A traditional Buddhist friend of mine in England once shut me up with: "Buddha is dead. Forget him." I myself have a soft spot for him.
How can one live with temptation or what Shinran called "his blind passions"? Anger, greed, lust, pride, jealousy, resentment and fear often raise their ugly heads. Depression makes me introspective and ego-centric
and "separates me from God" (if I may use that expression again!). Is the utterance of Namo Amida Butsu at these critical moments enough?
The Great Masters,
who are transformed Buddhas,
say nembutsu in their sleep.
Self Power gets you
so far, no further.
Other Power really works.
A little girl holding
her mother's hand crosses
the street: TOTAL TRUST.
Namo Amida Butsu is the key
to my sanity, and love is the door.
Am I going to be
a grumpy old man today
or pull my socks up?
Master Rennyo -
must I be grateful
for my life or for my death?
Know that apart from the Vow-Power
there is no way to birth in the Pure Land. - Zuiken
Namo Amida Butsu.
There is no need for panic.
You are saved.
Tuesday 10 Sept 13, 0420.
Clocks everywhere
but no time to think
of anything but Amida.
Why me?
Why me, Amida?
Why me of all people?
Why am I saved?
My little mind,
My little will,
Your great design
For my little life.
Namo Amida Butsu!
Thank you for thinking
of me, Amida!
Tcha! Even my best
buddy hasn't got it -
the truly settled mind.
For Jan and Christine:
Practising nembutsu
doesn't mean that you can't
do zazen and cook.
Namo Amida Butsu -
Amida calling
from the Land of Bliss.
Namo Amida Butsu -
my response
to the essential vow.
Monday 2 September.
Vocalize nembutsu whenever and as soon as
the thought of it arises in your mind,
no matter what mood you are in,
however negative or tired you feel!
Better nembutsus – and hence a better mood -
will soon appear, as the result of your
perseverance. Be resolute!
Namo Amida Butsu -
this one nembutsu
makes my day worth while.
One genuine nembutsu
is enough to open
the gates of bliss.
Namo Amida Butsu
cleanses the muddy
whirlpool of my mind.
"Those who possess the threefold
devotional heart will realize birth
in the Pure Land of Utmost Bliss
without fail." HONEN.
Namo Amida Butsu -
do I long for birth
in the Land of Bliss
or secretly cling
to this world of suffering?
Namo Amida Butsu -
saying these words
bad karma disappears.
Every single nembutsu that I say
is like a bright star in the Milky Way.
Namo Amida Butsu -
thank you for this
crummy old human life
which gets me up
at four in the morning
to the amazement
of my teddy bears
and the disbelief
of my anxious wife.
Namo Amida Butsu
in the ten quarters -
thank you for the light
which I perceive
with my feeble
sense of sight.
Namo Amida Butsu -
whatever strength I have
is in the Name.
One wee nembutsu
breathes life
into this bearded idiot.
Namo Amida Butsu -
I must learn to say it
with gratitude
for the primal vow
which results in birth.
"The karmic activity that leads to birth
in the Pure Land is the speaking of the Name
of Amida Buddha." - SHAN-TAO
Somewhere out there
someone is uttering
the same nembutsu as me.
The first few nembutsus
may seem futile
but the gratitude will grow.
Namo Amida Butsu -
after saying that
nothing can go wrong.
Namo Amida Butsu -
there's always one more
nembutsu to say.
Namo Amida Butsu -
I don't stop saying it
because I'm saved.
Namo Amida Butsu -
I actually hear myself
calling his name.
Sometimes I say it
to Amida and sometimes
He says it to me.
You ask me what
my plans are for today?
Namo Amida Butsu!
Namo Amida Butsu -
I'm incapable
of anything else.
What is “the good life”?
Simply to recite
Namo Amida Butsu
and slightly reduce
the number of
deliberate derelictions.
Namo Amida Butsu -
as long as I breathe
I'll recite the Name.
"Do not fill your precious time with pursuing
man's trifling wisdom when you could be
reciting nembutsu." - HONEN to SHINKU.
When a nembutsu appears
in the back of your mind
-vocalize it.
Namo Amida Butsu
Namo Amida Butsu -
that's better!
Mystifyingly simple -
the call of
Namo Amida Butsu.
Namo Amida Butsu
to all that is holy,
all that is good.
A thousand nembutsus a day
to begin with -
and see how it goes.
Namo Amida Butsu
I'll feed that blackbird -
the Zazen can wait.
I'm really sorry about
all my foolish thoughts
on meditation.
Zazen provides
a perfect platform
for the practice
of nembutsu.
No calculation nembutsu.
Other power nembutsu.
That's all.
I can feel it
coming up inside me -
Namo Amida Butsu.
Ignorance brought me
to the nembutsu -
now I must use it wisely.
ESHIN-SOZU once said: "A man's heart
is always distracted by the various conditions
around him. For this reason I merely recite
Instead of dissipating thought
on this and that -
say your nembutsu.
One distracted nembutsu
or even a fearful one
is better than
no nembutsu at all.
Namo Amida Butsu
in the back room
of this quiet café.
Coming out into
the sunshine I said
"Namo Amida Butsu".
Namo Amida Butsu -
finally Amida
finds and saves me.
Once more I awaken
with a head full of shit -
sleep medication.
Am I just gabbling
Namo Amida Butsu -
or do I mean it?
Do I want
a blessèd birth in the Pure Land?
I suppose I do.
Then say nembutsu!!
(because that is Amida's wish) -
with all your heart!!
All the Great Masters
of Jodo Shinshu
advocate the nembutsu.
Weak in every way,
I can but rejoice
Amida has found me.
Namo Amida Butsu -
two glasses of green tea
have cleared my head.
So much rubbish
drifts through my mind each day.
Namo Amida Butsu.
Namo Amida Butsu -
How deeply do I trust
in the Primal Vow?
Have I a truly settled mind?
That's the big question I ask myself.
Namo Amida Butsu -
I stand here in the garden
saying it.
Namo Amida Butsu -
I now feel connected
with Amida.
How bad is bombu?
One day he's on fire
with nembutsu – next day dead.
Utter it, mutter it, stutter it -
but go on saying
Confucius says
the truly good man
is balanced
and at peace with himself.
I would say sixty
thousand nembutsus a day
to achieve that goal.
Namo Amida Butsu -
three words which have turned
my life upside down.
Bombu decides to have lunch -
half a day wasted
in speculation.
"This," he says, looking himself
squarely in the mirror,
"Amida has saved".
Folk dances of Aragón
and Corfu see him
through the washing-up.
Namo Amida Butsu -
accept yourself
exactly as you are.
"Every mortal, without exception,
can attain birth in the Pure Land."
Pass on! Even the nembutsu
you forgot to say
Amida heard.
Namo Amida Butsu
says nothing, does nothing,
solves everything.
Sakyamuni tells us
that Right Effort
will always be rewarded.
Trusting, to the best of my ability, that I am saved
by the incomprehensible, compassionate working
of Amida's universal vow, I am nevertheless restless,
discontented, irritable – fearful of the hours ahead,
of making mistakes and of dying. Confucius' peace
of mind seems a long way off. Can nembutsu help me?
Namo Amida Butsu! I confess to being easily discouraged.
At times (i.e. mostly) when I am not feeling tip top, the
bugaboos of despondency and self pity creep in. If only I
had the blind faith to recite the nembutsu during these
periods – for I'm certain this would "restore me to sanity"
and the balance known to Confucius and my Tai Chi masters.
Looking back, I am eternally grateful to Master Rennyo
for telling me not to worry about bad karma when reciting.
I am now able to bring up the immense gratitude he often
refers to, and which was impossible to find during my deep
depressions of 30 years ago. Amida's compassion is boundless.
Live a life which enables you
to recite nembutsu naturally.
Remember that you may
be called to the Pure Land
at any moment.
This first week I'll set
my target at a thousand
nembutsus a day.
I turn down the critical
voice which says nembutsu
is not worth while.
When gratitude gets into
your recitation
you're on the right track.
Namo Amida Butsu
leads to birth in the Pure Land -
if nothing else!
Every single nembutsu
brings the Pure Land
that much closer.
At times, like this,
Namo Amida Butsu
seems absolutely right.
Namo Amida Butsu
is my way of saying Thank You
to Amida.
Create a life
with more opportunities
for saying nembutsu.
Another day
passes into eternity -
Namo Amida Butsu.
During Zazen
I empty my mind
of everything but nembutsu.
Turning bad karma
into good karma -
nothing else happened
all day.
Namo Amida Butsu -
thank you María
my belovèd wife.
Yesterday evening's practice
was rewarded
with a delightful dream
in which María, friends
and I were busy
adorning an altar
in my bedroom.
I awoke with Namo
Amida Butsu on my lips
and got up
into the bearable samsaric
world of an old man's
stiff body.
In the kitchen and the veranda
my nembutsu got under way
without a trace of yesterday morning's
horrible fuzz in my head.
It's four in the morning
and I'm planning to write
a thank-you letter to Frits
for kindly sending me The Promise
of Amida Buddha -
Honen's Path to Bliss.
"In her crown a motto,
the Virgin of Pilar -
'I am mother of all
who dwell upon this star.'"
Kami-the blissful Spanish virgins
and patron saints along my path
through Bruges, celestial city.
Hakarai – Japanese word
for the nonsense
that rattles through my head
when I'm too indolent
to say nembutsu.
Namo Amida Butsu,
I can't help calling it -
life is so short.
Namo Amida Butsu -
the "unhindered path"
to the Land of Bliss.
The nembutsus I forget
are those Amida
most appreciates.
The trees in our garden -
now visible -
utter silent nembutsus.
Jizo - the little plaster Buddha
on my desk -
enjoys a candle.
The pursuit of worldly fame
is only a soap-bubble
blown by a child.
Maria is getting up -
I can hear her footsteps
on the floorboards.
Anderlecht draws with
Barcelona in the second
round of the Cup.
Fear of sex, fear of sleep, fear of death,
fear of coffee with sugar, fear of love,
fear of anger, greed, failure and hate,
fear of being late, fear of forgetting
the reason why I utter my nembutsu -
all those absurd, irrational fears of
the person haunted with bi-polarity:
I try to wash them off in the shower,
but only nembutsu works.
"Desire is the slayer of the real" -
that's all I know of Blavatsky.
(First thought out on the street).
Dog lovers – do they
deserve my undivided
love and devotion?
Let your nembutsu be
an instinctive reaction
to "heaviness"
Make your nembutsu
a positive affirmation
of happiness,
a task taken up with joy,
a treasure.
The nurse who x-rayed
my broken elbow
treated me like an old friend.
The doctor's diagnosis
was perfect – and quick.
A charming young man.
I was out of the hospital
almost as soon as I had arrived -
to find Amida's bus awaiting me
for a pleasant journey home
(as though on a river boat!).
Including the silent ones
I'd uttered
over a thousand nembutsus
and hopefully faced
the evening ahead.
Thirty degrees in the shade.
On the terrace
I looked at my work so far.
Have I learned as much as Julia
completing her first week at school?
The Thursday night crowd was on form.
Marjan looked after the newcomer.
Eli needed a new hip operation.
Carine took charge of the kitchen.
With music, John drove me back to my door.
I said nembutsu through the boring bits.
Mercury and the Moon
are transiting my Neptune
in the Sixth House …
A punchline is needed to close this page.
Namo Amida Butsu.
I almost forgot
Anabel, taking on
two new Spanish students.
I kneel down
and put my head on the floor
for a Muslim nembutsu.
My first hundred nembutsus.
My third pot of tea.
Bats in the garden.
Am I feeling too WELL
to utter another
thousand nembutsus?
Life can be so seductive.
JIRIKI (Self Power)
lurks in the wings.
Rita's huge white orchids say nothing
but go on flowering week after week.
Will this practice
make me a little wiser
and more compassionate?
There is nothing
like the feeling of gratitude
to settle the mind.
Shall I go to the library
and take out
some edifying music?
Be extremely careful -
the surf-wave of a good mood
can break your back.
You'll never see
the likes of me again! -
My Irish T-shirt.
Difficult to know whether
I am breathing or reciting:
a whole day ahead of me
and nothing to do
but say nembutsu.
Wandering back
from the Record Library.
Non-arisal of thought.
Perfectly normal people
behaving in
a perfectly normal way.
A restless, impatient
coach-horse stretches
its neck and
paws its shadow.
Namo Amida Butsu
booms the great bell
on the marketplace tower.
Namo Amida Butsu
murmurs the poet
under the statue
of the two heroes
who defeated the French
in 1302.
Feet tied together
the man on crutches
gets where he wants to be
Namandabu! Clip-clop,
clip-clop! Past the Dali
museum they trot.
Sunshine on the bus-stop
window-sill, waiting
for the next nembutsu.
Lost count completely!
Luckily I have my beads
to keep me on course.
My Moroccan friends
plan a trip to Marrakesh
to spend their millions.
I'll treat Maria,
back from her shopping,
to a blast of opera.
"Recite nembutsu at all times
while desiring birth
in the Pure Land
and await the arrival
of Amida Buddha.
Aspire to the attainment
of birth in the Pure Land
without fearing illness or death."
- Honen's Essential Teaching.
Five nembutsus of gratitude
and five of joy.
Two thousand and ten.
My recitation lacks depth!
I'm a student
mumbling a formula.
I don't seem to be able
to penetrate
the compassionate vow …
Amida must know
how attached I am
to this charming house of ours
(nightfall seduces the garden
with its five imperishable trees
as Maria watches television).
Amida must know
how I cling to my poetry
like a flimsy reed,
wanting to be remembered
by future generations -
O! The utter absurdity.
Perhaps the beads I received
at confirmation
know more than I do.
O-Juzu is their Japanese name,
a solid white bracelet of prayer
that will go down to the grave with me
after my final nembutsu.
Kuan Yin simply and sweetly
sits there saying:
"Put all your trust in me."
"What a shame! What a pity!"
cries Shinran,
"I don't rejoice in my birth."
Prostration – I dedicate
this day to you,
Amida and Kuan Yin.
Hungry Angry Lonely Tired:
within moments of awakening …
Nothing matters to me now
but to say
"Namo Amida Butsu!"
for the apricot, the banana,
the music from Argentina
and Maria coming downstairs
grumpy, bitten by a mosquito.
Tathagata's benevolence
encompasses all universes,
embracing this devotee
in his obscure corner
of the Pure Land
four hours before dawn.
No dharma equals or excels
that of your wisdom and compassion.
With all its clatter and sham
the tin-pot world of today
is the best
I am able to imagine
and I love it with all my heart.
Take away my hesitation,
make this an Amida-minded day.
Thank you for the great day ahead.
I'll meet its exciting challenges.
Help me, Amida!
Help me, help me, help me
to keep my sanity.
(I'm stretched on my back on the floor
after doing my elbow exercise).
Slowly slowly slowly
the long awaited dawn
appears in the sky.
I see Honen
as a kindly
middle-aged man
with beads in his hands.
All night -
invisible Moon in Libra -
Murphy's Law operated.
Sincerity, joyful faith
and desire for birth -
the Three Minds of Shin.
I would be perfectly
happy with a little bit
of one of them.
Verdi, breakfast time:
Never far from my thoughts,
Amida, with O-Juzu
on the table.
Being good costs blood,
sweat and tears, but being
bad makes you feel guilty.
Fatima leaves for Paris
tomorrow – I told her
she was beautiful.
Empty-minded Saturday.
Nothing to do
but utter the Name.
On my O-Juzu
there are thirty beads -
I'm learning to handle them.
Why don't you go
to the park with a book
if you have nothing to do?
says Fati.
Why don't I go to the moon
on a rocket? I might well
have answered.
Just then twenty tourists
came into the joint for lunch -
her prayer was answered.
God, as each of us
understands you, grant me
the Serenity to accept …..
I'm a 74 year-old
married Buddhist
alcoholic poet
with a dislike of
beer-drinking hooligans
shouting abuse in a park
not very far from the Pure Land
in its unspoiled natural beauty.
A bench. A notebook.
An O-Juzu in the sun.
That empty bandstand.
Home to my desk. Nothing
important has happened.
Anna Netrebko once more
warbles her nembutsus
to my starving ears -
Maria tucked up in bed.
You can almost hear
the banality explode
as I pen these words.
Roger Green rang me
from Hydra to wish me
an enjoyable month.
A friendly e-mail -
Anabel's mother flies back
to Guatemala.
It's sunny enough to sit on the terrace
and mumble nembutsu under my breath
to the fig tree and half dead roses -
Maria is once more sleeping the sleep
of the just. I suppose she must.
I'm taking valerian pills
to soothe my nerves -
no peace for the wicked!
Everyone's on holiday
or having a good time
doing their thing.
I seem to be waking up
out of a deep sleep -
the blackbirds are here.
I have moved the green chair
into the sun
and I start to feel better
with one of Rida's bottles
of water from the fridge
in my left hand,
my white O-Juzu
fastened round my arm.
She waters the orchids
on the garden table
lovingly watched by me.
The Buddha in the poet
greets the Buddha
in the reader.
"The Name, Namo Amida Butsu,
embodies all good practices."
- Rennyo
"There is no need for effort on our part.
Buddha's mind and ours are one."
- Rennyo
"It is the inconceivable power
of the Vow that saves us all."
- Rennyo
"Amida is Other-directed
and wants only our benefit."
- Marcus
"Other Power is, firstly, letting go
of your calculating mind."
- Marcus
"It is hearing Amida
utter nembutsu
through your own lips."
- Marcus
"To have the joyful heart
is to believe unshakeably
in one's birth."
- Various
"Profound reliance
on the essential Vow
will always lead to birth."
- Shan-Tao,
"Doubt is the biggest bugaboo
hindering my nembutsu practice."
- Marcus
"Born of a prideful perfectionism,
it poisons my honest zeal."
- Marcus
"The wisdom of Buddhas
surpasses conceptual understanding."
- Shinran
"Simply achieve your birth,
firmly avoiding
all scholarly debate."
Just go on quietly saying your nembutsu,
while the blackbird sings its song in the garden,
a succulent pear between your finger and thumb.
Namo Amida Butsu, Namo Amida Butsu . . .
This practice opens for you the Pure Land gate,
gently increases your store of happiness and joy.
No matter if Confucius attempts to confuse you
with questions like "What is coming into the room?"
and the teachers of Tarot and Kundalini advise you
not to give vital energy to the opposite sex -
just go on saying it in spite of all annoyances,
an electricity bill, a grouch, an unpleasant mood.
Haste and fear are among the diseases of our time,
weapons which Mara the Tempter uses against us.
Action and inaction battle against one another,
the path gets lost, there is no light on the question.
Be resolute, and forge ahead with the utterance
strongly recommended by the Masters of our school.
All manner of things shall be well,wrote T.S. Eliot,
wisely exercising his poetic and prophetic gifts.
And nothing indeed can bar the progress of the person
who resolutely walks the unhindered Pure Land path,
calling Amida's name ten or ten thousand times a day
as though there were nothing else important left to say.