'Infinite Light'Journal of Shin Buddhism |
Karan O'Neill |
MOONSTRUCK AMIDAno desire Na Man Da Bu alone/all one
ALWAYS AMIDAthere is no you standing in listen as we Na Man Da Bu--
AMIDA'S TEMPLEIt was a long haul into it's a good thing and Na Man Da Bu
AMIDA ! ! !Look-- AMIDA! Look-- AMIDA!! Look-- AMIDA!!! Look-- AMIDA!!!!
AMIDA HAIKUmandala of love
REFLECTIONS ON A STUDY OF JODO SHINSHULet your faith be one of reliance upon Other Power-- Let your faith offer insight but not impose. Maintain respect for the dignity of each individual. Religion is not a matter of externals nor of judgment The teacher does not stand above the disciple. All are on the We must all confess our own bombu condition and then spend our lives So let it be written; so let it be done--quiet your heart, and just be. Namu Amida Butsu.
NAMO AMIDA BUTSUAlthough I search everywhere outside of myself, in the end I always find you at home inside of me in the dark in the quiet in my compassion for others, Amida Butsu
AMIDA'S BURNINGAmida 's inside burning flickering today - love sweet softly warmth lighting inside the flickering world