Most of the material on this web site has a distinctly scholarly
emphasis, but we think that a section with a more experiential and
personal focus would be welcomed by many readers. This site will
provide space for those who would like to recount their own spiritual
journey for the inspiration and encouragement of others.
Perhaps a good example of the kind of work we envisage as being suitable
is the book Tariki, Embracing Despair; Discovering Peace by Hiroyuki
Itsuki or Naturalness by Kenryo Kanamatsu.
We welcome other contributions but ask only that they be 'on topic' and
in keeping with traditional Shin Buddhist sensibilities. Photography,
art and other work is also welcome on this site.
Contributions to 'Speaking Personally'
- The Beauty of It All By Gregg Heathcote
- Truth and Beauty coming out of the anæsthetic? ...all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know By Gregg Heathcote
- Gotan-e (May 2013): A Dharma Talk for Gotan-e 2013 by Rev Mark Healsmith.
- Gotan-e (Aug. 2012): A Dharma Talk for Gotan-e 2012 by Rev Mark Healsmith.
- Obon (Aug. 2011): A Dharma Talk for Obon 2011 by Rev Mark Healsmith.
- Gotan-e (May 2011): A Dharma Talk for Gotan-e 2011 by Rev George Gatenby.
- Dhamma Talk for Shinran's 750th memorial service
(Nov 2010): A Dhamma Talk for Shinran's 750th memorial service
by Rev Dr. Toshizaku Arai.
- Hana Matsuri (April 2010): A Dharma Talk for Hana Matsuri 2011 by Rev Mark Healsmith.
- Obon (August 2009): A Dharma Talk for Obon 2009 by Rev Mark Healsmith.
- Gratitude (November 2009): A Dharma Talk for Ho-onko 2009 by Rev Mark Healsmith.
- Dreamings of Shinran, Old and Anew (May 21, 06): Rev Jo'on Gregg Heathcote's Dharma Talk at Hongwanji Buddhist Mission of Australia.
- Hanamatsuri 2006 (April 9, 06): Rev Dr Mark Healsmith's Dharma talk at Hongwanji Buddhist Mission of Australia.
- Flowers of the Dharma (June 29, 05): Rev Mark Healsmith's Dharma talk at Hongwanji Buddhist Mission of Australia on Gotan-e, 2005.
- The Gift of Shame : a black armband or a white blindfold? (July 11, 04): Rev Gregg Heathcote's Dharma talk at Hongwanji Buddhist Mission of Australia.
- Notes From the Field (March 1, 04): The poems of Jerry Bolick have already appeared on this site and may already be familiar to some readers. On this occasion Jerry shares with us some of his reflections on the writings of Kanai Tada.
- The Basic Teachings of Western Pure Land Buddhism (August 1, 03), by Jim Davis, who lives in Southwest Missouri and has been a Pure Land Buddhist since 1989-90. He works as a social worker in the community mental health field.
Shinran today - our founder's relevance to the modern world : By Marcus Cumberlege